.props() => Object
Returns the props object for the root node of the wrapper. It must be a single-node wrapper.
NOTE: When called on a shallow wrapper, .props()
will return values for props on the root node that the component renders, not the component itself.
This method is a reliable way of accessing the props of a node; wrapper.instance().props
will work as well, but in React 16+, stateless functional components do not have an instance. See .instance() => ReactComponent
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
function MyComponent(props) {
const { includedProp } = props;
return (
<div className="foo bar" includedProp={includedProp}>Hello</div>
MyComponent.propTypes = {
includedProp: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent includedProp="Success!" excludedProp="I'm not included" />);
// Warning: .props() only returns props that are passed to the root node,
// which does not include excludedProp in this example.
// See the note above about wrapper.instance().props.
// {children: "Hello", className: "foo bar", includedProp="Success!"}
console.log(wrapper.instance().props); // React 15.x - working as expected
// {children: "Hello", className: "foo bar", includedProp:"Success!", excludedProp: "I'm not included"}
// React 16.* - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'props' of null